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Magdalen Graal--Come Support a Great New Artist!
Foruminnehåll / Music in general Skriv svar | Skapa ny tråd
Skrivet den 2010-04-25 00:31:01
Hey Guys!

I'd like to introduce you to a great new artist, Magdalen Graal. If you like Rock, Goth Rock and/or Pop music in general you will enjoy Magalen's music. I know most of you have never heard of her but that doesn't mean she isn't a fine singer.

Visit her web page at: www.magdalengraal.com

You will find some cool youtube videos of her music and if you really, really like her music...You can get a copy of her Album, FREE No viruses or spyware either!

Magdalen is also one of the artist participating in Heineken Jammin' Festival. If you want help support her, visit:


If you are 18 or over, sign up and become a Fan of Magdalen and vote for her.
This is the Vote for the Band link(you must be a registered member to vote):


So that's it. Thanks for your time. Please go check out this new artist.
Skrivet den 2010-04-30 20:39:28
nice more new artist
Skrivet den 2010-05-14 14:06:15
And she is very nice and communicates personally with her fans!
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