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Wow! Eurovision 2010 Oslo!
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Skrivet den 2010-05-11 17:30:14
Oh my God! Eurovision 2010 soon. It's very exciting!

Now, I started to listen to all the songs. My reviews will be here with points soon. And your reviews?

I should listen to the songs again and again.

All the best
Skrivet den 2010-05-12 01:42:48
There are nice and boring songs, too
Skrivet den 2010-05-13 22:42:54
i love the dutch musiccccc
Skrivet den 2010-05-14 12:41:21
2ling skrev:
i love the dutch musiccccc

Because, you are Dutch

Did you listen to France's song? Hahaha! I love Turkey's song (Because, I live in Turkey )

Also, Sweden's song is cool! Love it :)
Skrivet den 2010-05-19 16:03:28
Kristina Pelakova - Horehronie (Slovakia)

Did you listen to this song? I don't understand anything. But, sounds great
Skrivet den 2010-05-19 21:56:00
Greece's song is very funny! Hahaha! But, enjoyable
Skrivet den 2010-05-20 10:18:02
Ouch, did you listen to Germany's songs? Sounds very cool!

Lena - Satellite

I loved it so much. Seriously very cool! Good luck, Germany! She will be 19 years old on 23 May, 2010! People compare Lena to Amy! Hahaha! Amy is the best of course! Better! Amy is number 1! Aaaaammmmyyyyyy!

I would love to see Amy in Eurovision! Please, Swedish people! Support Amy more! Go Amy go!
Skrivet den 2010-05-20 15:56:45
My favorites: Top 5:

Actually, my list can change. But. I liked them

1. Lena - Satellite (Germany)
2. maNga - We Could Be The Same (Turkey)
3. Anna Bergendahl - This Is My Life (Sweden)
4. Kristina Pelakova - Horehronie (Slovakia)
5. Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone (Armenia)

Now, I see there are cool songs! It's very exciting to watch live!
Skrivet den 2010-05-20 16:40:10
AmySupporter skrev:
My favorites: Top 5:

Actually, my list can change. But. I liked them

1. Lena - Satellite (Germany)
2. maNga - We Could Be The Same (Turkey)
3. Anna Bergendahl - This Is My Life (Sweden)
4. Kristina Pelakova - Horehronie (Slovakia)
5. Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone (Armenia)

Now, I see there are cool songs! It's very exciting to watch live!

Wow! I loved Lena's songs so much! Oh my God! My vote is for Lena! As I said, people compare Lena to Amy! Hehehe! Because, Amy is the best! I really really would love to see Amy in Eurovision! Go Amy go! Them, I vote for Amy like crazy!
Skrivet den 2010-05-20 21:29:32
AmySupporter skrev:
AmySupporter skrev:
My favorites: Top 5:

Actually, my list can change. But. I liked them

1. Lena - Satellite (Germany)
2. maNga - We Could Be The Same (Turkey)
3. Anna Bergendahl - This Is My Life (Sweden)
4. Kristina Pelakova - Horehronie (Slovakia)
5. Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone (Armenia)

Now, I see there are cool songs! It's very exciting to watch live!

Wow! I loved Lena's songs so much! Oh my God! My vote is for Lena! As I said, people compare Lena to Amy! Hehehe! Because, Amy is the best! I really really would love to see Amy in Eurovision! Go Amy go! Them, I vote for Amy like crazy!

My sister also will vote for Lena! We liked the song!
Skrivet den 2010-05-21 10:53:51


How sweet song!
Skrivet den 2010-05-25 17:28:31
Tonight the first semi-final! I can't wait to watch it. Anyway, I don't like Polish song this year. It's called 'Legenda' and it's performing by Marcin Mroziński.
Skrivet den 2010-05-25 18:58:16
I will also watch it! I love Eurovision! I will just vote on Saturday!
Skrivet den 2010-05-25 21:04:48
Wow! Eurovisin Song Contest started!
Skrivet den 2010-05-25 21:16:30
Watch live online! : http://www.eurovision.tv/esctv...slo+2010
Skrivet den 2010-05-26 16:08:29
Haha, I knew. Poland didn't go to the final. I hate the Polish songs last year!

My favourite of yesterday was Belgium.

Tom Dice - Me and My Guitar
Skrivet den 2010-05-26 19:44:47
I just watched a few videos on eurovision.tv. Turkey's show looking interesting. I see a robot on the stage! Hahaha! I can't wait...!

Lena's song is cool but maybe she must dance better? Hahaha!
Skrivet den 2010-05-27 23:02:18
Woohhhhoooo! Turkey is in the Final! It's wonderful!

Oh, it's very sad, Sweden couldn't go to the Final!
Skrivet den 2010-05-29 22:18:30
are you guys watching the show? Oh My God! Spain has to sing 2 times because one person jumped on the stage hahahaha

Welcome to Spain! anything can happed to us hahhaahhah i don't expect we'll get to high in the ranking, oh i hate that song hahahahah
Skrivet den 2010-05-29 22:26:33
Dr.Hook skrev:
are you guys watching the show? Oh My God! Spain has to sing 2 times because one person jumped on the stage hahahaha

Welcome to Spain! anything can happed to us hahhaahhah i don't expect we'll get to high in the ranking, oh i hate that song hahahahah

Hahahah! Yes, I'm surprised! But, the song sounds very good!

Good luck! I didn't decide to vote! I want to see Lena's show!
Skrivet den 2010-05-29 23:51:00
Wow! Germany is the winner? I can't wait!
Skrivet den 2010-05-30 00:13:25
AmySupporter skrev:
My favorites: Top 5:

Actually, my list can change. But. I liked them

1. Lena - Satellite (Germany)
2. maNga - We Could Be The Same (Turkey)
3. Anna Bergendahl - This Is My Life (Sweden)
4. Kristina Pelakova - Horehronie (Slovakia)
5. Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone (Armenia)

Now, I see there are cool songs! It's very exciting to watch live!

Oh my God! I knew the winner and 2nd! Hahahah! Super!!!!
Skrivet den 2010-05-30 11:38:49
Wow!!! Lena was awesome!!!

Skrivet den 2010-05-30 12:51:58
I'm watching Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in HD and without commercial and in English!
Skrivet den 2010-05-30 14:53:11
AmySupporter skrev:
Dr.Hook skrev:
are you guys watching the show? Oh My God! Spain has to sing 2 times because one person jumped on the stage hahahaha

Welcome to Spain! anything can happed to us hahhaahhah i don't expect we'll get to high in the ranking, oh i hate that song hahahahah

Hahahah! Yes, I'm surprised! But, the song sounds very good!

Good luck! I didn't decide to vote! I want to see Lena's show!

It was a great show, i´m surprised Spain got so many points! hahahahaha Oh i liked very much Greece after the show i was saying the hole time:

OPAAAA!!! hahahahaha
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